Jun 16Liked by Ashish Pratap Singh

I think It would be better in this order?

1. Array

2. String and string buffer if Java

3. Sorting

4. Searching

5. LinkedIn list

5. Stack and queue

6. Recursion

7.Two pointers and fast slow pointer

8. Bit manipulation

9. Tree


11. Divine and conquer

12. Backtracking

13. Dynamic problem

Then additional

It really good pieces captured to be master in DSA and problem solving.

Especially I love these highlights points

- One topic one time

- Retention like review 1 and revision 2 my favourite

- consistency

- pen and A4 blank page or white board

- Write code notepad or Google docs no any auto suggestions or highlighter

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Jul 5Liked by Ashish Pratap Singh

Thank you!

Now I Known how to master DSA. Continue sharing, you help a lot.

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Love to hear this, thank you!

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Jun 16Liked by Ashish Pratap Singh

Nice Picturized bro💯💯

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thank you!

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Jun 24Liked by Ashish Pratap Singh

Thanks for sharing this. I have started DSA preparation from Today morning and now I got this best guide on how to make it best .

again Thanks for sharing Ashish

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You are most welcome. Glad it was helpful.

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Jun 21Liked by Ashish Pratap Singh

thank you so much bro , big fan of you

your content on system design earlier and now data structure is just impressive.

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hey, thank you very much for your kind words.

Great to hear that you are liking my content.

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Always man.

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Very nice article! I write about DSA on my stack ( https://kanaye.substack.com ). Personally I think it’s important to learn how to think about solving problems than knowing every single one by heart… so for every data structure you learn try to understand the fundamental reasoning behind why it’s used. You made a nice list, I enjoyed reading it :)

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Jun 16Liked by Ashish Pratap Singh

Awesome, thanks for sharing this. Honestly it helps a lot.

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Great to hear this, thank you!

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Jun 16Liked by Ashish Pratap Singh

Really helpful! Thank you.

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You are welcome!

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12

should I learn follow the order dsa on the post or follow by the tutorial you recommend on this post?

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Shout out to you Ashish ❤️!! Thanks for sharing knowledge freely, I am reading all your blogs

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Which tool is used to draw those beautiful pictures?

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hi Ashish, Thanks for tips, one question what are the most important sorting and searching algorithms required for interview?

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Even I faced the same issue, I have referred multiple resources but still I couldn't solve new questions. Your approach seems very practical. Gonna Give it a try.

Thanks for giving out this technique.

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