Wow I am going to take printout of this…. I really appreciate your work…

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great article 🔥🔥

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thank you 😊

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Didn't know there could be so many different implementations. Thanks man. Great article.

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Nice article.

Maybe it's worth also mentioning the kotlin way (object keyword and companion) and the spring way(@bean with default scope=singleton)

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good point!

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Thanks for sharing bro awaited one🙌🏻🙌🏻

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Super descriptive and rightly detailed article on singleton design pattern. Thanks for your contribution!

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Please write article on comparison of design pattern and anti patterns.

Seperate topics like Article on kubernetes and Terra form

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How Bill pugh is singleton, everytime the helper classes will be loaded, then the instance will be created, right?

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the singleton instance is only created the first time helper class is loaded. Subsequent calls to getInstance() return the existing instance since it's declared as static.

Java guarantees that static fields are initialized only once, even in a multi-threaded environment.

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