If web servers handles the request from the client and app server has the bussiness logic, then how web and app servers will communicate? Also, what is the need for different servers? Instead can we have app servers behind load balancers?
I think the order should be slightly different. Before jumping into HLD, we should list all the APIs. Based on the APIs list, we can separate the concerns, group the APIs, and eventually we can identify, how many micro services are required along with their responsibilties.
If web servers handles the request from the client and app server has the bussiness logic, then how web and app servers will communicate? Also, what is the need for different servers? Instead can we have app servers behind load balancers?
I think the order should be slightly different. Before jumping into HLD, we should list all the APIs. Based on the APIs list, we can separate the concerns, group the APIs, and eventually we can identify, how many micro services are required along with their responsibilties.
great article, loved it